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Environment-Aware Architecture

Eko’s architecture is designed to provide consistent capabilities across different JavaScript environments while respecting each environment’s unique constraints and opportunities. This environment-aware approach allows you to write workflows that can run everywhere while taking full advantage of environment-specific features when available.

Core Architecture

At its heart, Eko consists of three main layers:

1. Framework Core

The framework core provides the fundamental workflow management capabilities:

import { Eko } from "@eko-ai/eko";
// Core remains consistent across environments
const eko = new Eko({
apiKey: process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY,

This layer includes:

  • Workflow generation and parsing
  • Tool Registration management
  • Execution engine
  • Hook system

The core is environment-agnostic, focusing on orchestration rather than specific capabilities.

2. Environment Bridge

Between the core and environment-specific tools sits the environment bridge. This layer:

  • Detects the current environment
  • Manages capability access
  • Handles cross-environment communication
  • Ensures security boundaries

For example, in a browser extension environment:

// The bridge automatically handles cross-context communication
const result = await eko.executeWorkflow(workflow, {
context: {
// Bridge provides environment-specific context
tabId: chrome.tabs.TAB_ID_NONE,

3. Environment-Specific Tools

Each environment provides its own set of tools optimized for that context:

// Browser extension tools
import { tools } from "@eko-ai/eko/extension";
const { ComputerWeb, OpenUrl, TabManagement } = tools;
// Node.js tools
import { tools } from "@eko-ai/eko/nodejs";
const { FileSystem, ProcessControl, NetworkAccess } = tools;

Environment-Specific Behaviors

Browser Extension Environment

In a browser extension, Eko operates across multiple contexts:

  1. Background Script

    • Manages workflow execution
    • Controls browser windows and tabs
    • Handles tool registration
  2. Content Scripts

    • Interact with web pages
    • Execute DOM manipulations
    • Capture user interactions
  3. Extension UI

    • Provides configuration interface
    • Shows execution progress
    • Manages API keys and settings
// Background script
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (request) => {
if (request.type === "executeWorkflow") {
const workflow = await eko.generateWorkflow(request.description);
// Bridge handles context switching automatically
return await eko.executeWorkflow(workflow);

Node.js Environment

In Node.js, Eko has direct access to system resources:

// Node.js environment provides full system access
const workflow = await eko.generateWorkflow(
"Process all PDFs in the docs folder"
// Tools can directly interact with the file system
await eko.executeWorkflow(workflow, {
tools: [new FileSystemTool()],
context: {
workingDirectory: process.cwd()

Web Environment

In a web browser environment, Eko operates within browser security constraints:

// Web environment respects browser sandbox
const workflow = await eko.generateWorkflow(
"Extract data from this webpage"
// Tools limited to browser APIs
await eko.executeWorkflow(workflow, {
tools: [new DOMTool()],
context: {

Security Considerations

Eko’s environment awareness includes built-in security measures:

  1. Capability Isolation

    • Tools can only access appropriate APIs
    • Cross-origin restrictions respected
    • Permissions handled per environment
  2. Context Validation

    • Tool inputs sanitized
    • Environment capabilities checked
    • Security boundaries enforced
  3. Permission Management

    // Permissions handled appropriately per environment
    const workflow = await eko.generateWorkflow(description, {
    security: {
    allowedTools: ["browser", "dom"],
    allowedDomains: ["*"],
    requireUserGesture: true

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