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Available Tools

eko provides various built-in tools for different environments including:

Browser extension

Import tools and initialize context:

import { ClaudeProvider } from "@eko-ai/eko";
import { tools } from "@eko-ai/eko/extension";
import { ExecutionContext } from "@eko-ai/eko/types";
// Context provides LLM model inference and data storage capabilities
let context: ExecutionContext = {
llmProvider: new ClaudeProvider('your apiKey'),
variables: new Map<string, unknown>()


web_search: Use web search to return search results

let tool = new tools.WebSearch();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
query: 'Elon Musk',
maxResults: 5


element_click: Click the element through task prompts

let tool = new tools.ElementClick();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'Click the search button',


find_element_position: Locate Element Coordinates through Task Prompts

let tool = new tools.FindElementPosition();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'Find the search input box'


open_url: Open the specified URL link in browser window

let tool = new tools.OpenUrl();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
url: '',
newWindow: true


screenshot: Screenshot the current webpage window

let tool = new tools.Screenshot();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {});


tab_management: Browser tab management, view and operate tabs.

let tool = new tools.TabManagement();
// open new tab
await tool.execute(context, {
commond: 'new_tab'

The commond to perform. The available commonds are:

  • tab_all: View all tabs and return the tabId and title.
  • current_tab: Get current tab information (tabId, url, title).
  • go_back: Go back to the previous page in the current tab.
  • change_url [url]: open URL in the current tab, eg: change_url
  • close_tab: Close the current tab.
  • switch_tab [tabId]: Switch to the specified tab using tabId, eg: switch_tab 1000.
  • new_tab [url]: Open a new tab window and open the URL, eg: new_tab


extract_content: Extract the text content of the current webpage

let tool = new tools.ExtractContent();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {});


export_file: Content exported as a file, support text format

let tool = new tools.ExportFile();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
fileType: "csv", // text/csv/md/json...
content: "Name, Price\niPhone, $1000\nnotebook, $1.02",

Browser Use

browser_use: Use structured commands to interact with the browser, manipulating page elements through screenshots and webpage element extraction.

let tool = new tools.BrowserUse();
let result = await tool.execute(content, {
action: 'screenshot_extract_element', // the action to perform
index: null, // index of element, Operation elements must pass the corresponding index of the element
text: null // Required by `action=input_text` and `action=select_dropdown_option`

The action to perform. The available actions are:

  • screenshot_extract_element: Take a screenshot of the web page and extract operable elements.
    • Screenshots are used to understand page layouts, with labeled bounding boxes corresponding to element indexes. Each bounding box and its label share the same color, with labels typically positioned in the top-right corner of the box.
    • Screenshots help verify element positions and relationships. Labels may sometimes overlap, so extracted elements are used to verify the correct elements.
    • In addition to screenshots, simplified information about interactive elements is returned, with element indexes corresponding to those in the screenshots.
  • input_text: Enter a string in the interactive element.
  • clear_text: Clear the text in the input/textarea element.
  • click: Click to element.
  • right_click: Right-click on the element.
  • double_click: Double-click on the element.
  • scroll_to: Scroll to the specified element.
  • extract_content: Extract the text content of the current webpage.
  • get_dropdown_options: Get all options from a native dropdown element.
  • select_dropdown_option: Select dropdown option for interactive element index by the text of the option you want to select.


Import tools and initialize context:

import { ClaudeProvider } from "@eko-ai/eko";
import { tools } from "@eko-ai/eko/web";
import { ExecutionContext } from "@eko-ai/eko/types";
// Initialize LLM provider
let llmProvider = new ClaudeProvider({
// Please use your API endpoint for authentication and forwarding on the server side, do not expose API keys in the frontend
baseURL: '',
// User Authentication Request Header
defaultHeaders: {
// 'Authorization': `Bearer ${getToken()}`
// Context provides LLM model inference and data storage capabilities
let context: ExecutionContext = {
variables: new Map<string, unknown>()


element_click: Click the element through task prompts

let tool = new tools.ElementClick();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'Click the search button',


find_element_position: Locate Element Coordinates through Task Prompts

let tool = new tools.FindElementPosition();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'Find the search input box'


screenshot: Screenshot the current webpage window

let tool = new tools.Screenshot();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {});


extract_content: Extract the text content of the current webpage

let tool = new tools.ExtractContent();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {});


export_file: Content exported as a file, support text format

let tool = new tools.ExportFile();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
fileType: "csv", // text/csv/md/json...
content: "Name, Price\niPhone, $1000\nnotebook, $1.02",

Browser Use

browser_use: Use structured commands to interact with the browser, manipulating page elements through screenshots and webpage element extraction.

let tool = new tools.BrowserUse();
let result = await tool.execute(content, {
action: 'screenshot_extract_element', // the action to perform
index: null, // index of element, Operation elements must pass the corresponding index of the element
text: null // Required by `action=input_text` and `action=select_dropdown_option`

The action to perform. The available actions are:

  • screenshot_extract_element: Take a screenshot of the web page and extract operable elements.
    • Screenshots are used to understand page layouts, with labeled bounding boxes corresponding to element indexes. Each bounding box and its label share the same color, with labels typically positioned in the top-right corner of the box.
    • Screenshots help verify element positions and relationships. Labels may sometimes overlap, so extracted elements are used to verify the correct elements.
    • In addition to screenshots, simplified information about interactive elements is returned, with element indexes corresponding to those in the screenshots.
  • input_text: Enter a string in the interactive element.
  • clear_text: Clear the text in the input/textarea element.
  • click: Click to element.
  • right_click: Right-click on the element.
  • double_click: Double-click on the element.
  • scroll_to: Scroll to the specified element.
  • extract_content: Extract the text content of the current webpage.
  • get_dropdown_options: Get all options from a native dropdown element.
  • select_dropdown_option: Select dropdown option for interactive element index by the text of the option you want to select.


Import tools:

import { tools } from "@eko-ai/eko/nodejs";


command_execute: Execute a shell command with user confirmation

let tool = new tools.CommandExecute();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
command: 'cp -f /a.txt /b.txt'


file_read: Read content from a file

let tool = new tools.FileRead();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
path: '/a.txt',
encoding: 'utf8'


file_write: Write content to a file with user confirmation

let tool = new tools.FileWrite();
let result = await tool.execute(context, {
path: '/a.txt',
content: 'This is test content...',
append: false,
encoding: 'utf8'

Fellou browser

The current tools can be used in both extension and web environments of the Fellou browser.

Computer Use

computer_use: Use a mouse and keyboard to interact with a computer, and take screenshots.

import { BrowserUse } from "@eko-ai/eko/fellou";
let tool = new BrowserUse();
let result = await tool.execute(content, {
action: 'left_click', // the action to perform
coordinate: [200, 400], // Coordinate position, eg: [x, y].
text: null // Required only by `action=type` and `action=key`

The action to perform. The available actions are:

  • key: Press a key or key-combination on the keyboard.
  • This supports robotgo hotkey syntax.
  • Multiple keys are combined using the ”+” symbol.
  • Examples: “a”, “enter”, “ctrl+s”, “command+shift+a”, “num0”.
  • type: Type a string of text on the keyboard.
  • cursor_position: Get the current (x, y) pixel coordinate of the cursor on the screen.
  • mouse_move: Move the cursor to a specified (x, y) pixel coordinate on the screen.
  • left_click: Click the left mouse button.
  • left_click_drag: Click and drag the cursor to a specified (x, y) pixel coordinate on the screen.
  • right_click: Click the right mouse button.
  • double_click: Double-click the left mouse button.
  • screenshot: Take a screenshot of the screen.
  • scroll: Scroll to the specified (x, y) pixel coordinates on the screen.

Example: Search Elon Musk on Google

NOTICE: This example can only run on Browser Extension Enviroment.

import { tools, browser, utils } from "@eko-ai/eko/extension";
// open new tab
let openUrlTool = new tools.OpenUrl();
let result = await openUrlTool.execute(context, {
url: '',
newWindow: true
// find element
let findElementPositionTool = new tools.FindElementPosition();
let rect = await findElementPositionTool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'Find the search input box'
if (rect) {
// input -> text
let tabId = await utils.getCurrentTabId();
await browser.type(tabId, 'Elon Musk', [rect.left,]);
// click the search button
let elementClickTool = new tools.ElementClick();
await elementClickTool.execute(context, {
task_prompt: 'click the `Google Search` button'